If you like to contact us for any feedback, collaboration, or advertisement, kindly email us: [email protected]

Kindly be as detailed as possible (direct subject line), it’ll be easy for us to filter the emails and communicate quickly.
- If you are interested in sharing feedback or any helpful comments about our blog, our community, or our app, we are extremely grateful to you. You can share as much as you want, it’ll really help us to build our brand better.
- If you are interested in freelance content writing (paid – as in, we will pay you), then please introduce yourself, tell us more about your love for reading/writing, some of your favorite books, and if possible, some of your online content works (not mandatory). This will help us to understand our contributors much better, and for a smooth collaboration. You can learn about our blog and how we structure our articles.
- If you are interested in advertising on our blog (paid – as in, you will pay us), then kindly share your requirements in detail, please. We provide sponsored posts, reviews (unbiased, of course), banner ads (limited), and other possible mutually beneficial collaborations.
We will reply back as soon as possible, within 24 to 48 hours max. Looking forward to connect with you.