Best Human Body Books To Learn About Us 100%! 🧠

The last couple of years has taught us many important lessons. Our health takes a back seat quite often. Especially when it comes to our studies, work, etc., we prioritize everything except our health. We skip meals, don’t drink enough water, survive on junk, and whatnot. Often, we don’t realize how each part of our Body is essential for our well-being. The best way to care for our health is by adopting a holistic approach, where everything is connected. 

Best Human Body Books!

Studying Circulatory And Muscle Systems. Anatomical Concept. Healthy Human Body Model In Doctor Or Teacher Hands With Magnifying Glass

In this article, you will find a list of books that will educate you about the fundamentals of the human body and how it functions. So, if you are someone like me who is eager to learn about medicine, or if you are a student interested in building a career in medicine, then you have landed on the right page.

1. The Body: A Guide for Occupants by Bill Bryson

The Body A Guide For Occupants By Bill Bryson

You know, some authors make everything seem interesting. They crack you up with their humor, even when discussing not-so-interesting topics. And Bill Bryson is one such author. If you’ve read his bestselling book, A Short History of Nearly Everything, you will know what I am talking about. Bill Bryson has got the rare talent of educating people while entertaining them. So, to learn about your body and its functions, you must read The Body: A Guide for Occupants.

We don’t realize that our bodies are beautiful creations. There is so much about our bodies that we are still unaware of. We have no clue why specific organs function in a certain way and why some people are prone to some diseases. Bill Bryson has included numerous anecdotes and facts to keep you hooked on the book. The stories inside the book are intriguing enough to keep you turning pages until you reach the end of the book. There is no jargon inside this book.

It’s a hundred percent valuable information that will help you to understand your Body better so you can take better care of your well-being. The best part about this book is that it’s written so that even a layman can understand it. It’s not an academic textbook, so the author often brushes through a topic without going too deep, which is excellent for a beginner-level reader. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in learning about the human Body. You can get the book here! 📖

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2. Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery by J.M. Bourgery and Nicolas Henri Jacob

Atlas Of Human Anatomy And Surgery By J.M. Bourgery And Nicolas Henri Jacob

Some books aren’t just books. They are treasures. Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery is a 19th-century monumental body of work. It’s a treatise that has eight volumes. J.M. Bourgery and Nicholas Henri Jacob started working on this by writing and illustrating the human anatomy. The work on this book went on for two decades, beginning in 1831. The book was published five years after J.M. Bourgery’s demise. Even though this book is written and illustrated in great detail, it’s not just for medical students.

This book is also for artists, illustrators, and students interested in studying the human Body. In a nutshell, this book is a historical treasure and a must-have in the collection of a medical historian. Divided into eight parts, this book dives deep into topics such as osteology, muscles, the nervous system, the heart, etc. You will also find descriptions and illustrations of medical instruments, different surgical methods, and techniques.

Now, I am sure you must think that given the amount of research and time spent creating this book, it must be tough to grasp. But that’s not the case. The writing in this book is relatively simple, and the illustrations help you understand the description in great detail. It’s the perfect book for anyone who wants to study the human body through one of the most monumental works of human anatomy literature. You can get the book here! 📖

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3. Anatomy 360: The Ultimate Visual Guide to the Human Body by Dr. Jamie Roebuck

Anatomy 360 The Ultimate Visual Guide To The Human Body By Dr. Jamie Roebuck

Even after reading and studying so much about the human body, it isn’t easy to determine how our organs look. Our imagination of the functioning of our organs is primarily inaccurate and incomplete. This is where Anatomy 360 comes to the rescue. With this book, you will read and see precisely how our organs look while functioning. As the name suggests, this book will give you a 360-degree view of our organs. The best part about this book is that it’s comprehensive.

It doesn’t just touch upon topics. Instead, the book dives deeper into educating the readers about the minor details of the human body, for example, why our noses start running when we are crying, etc. Sounds fascinating, right? This book is filled with several amazing facts and information about the human body that will keep you hooked to learn more. This book is a must-have for anyone trying to learn about the human body, especially students preparing for medicine. You can get the book here! 📖

4. Anatomicum: Welcome To The Museum by Katy Wiedemann and Dr. Jennifer Z Paxton

Anatomicum Welcome To The Museum By Katy Wiedemann And Dr. Jennifer Z Paxton

I love visiting museums. I can spend hours loitering through the hallways and passages in a museum, seeing every item carefully while reading about its significance. And wouldn’t it be fantastic if you could experience the awesomeness of a museum from the comfort of your home? Anatomicum is a museum in the form of a book. It’s one of the most beautiful books I have ever seen. Anatomicum is a collaborative work by professor Dr. Jennifer Z Paxton and illustrator Katy Wiedemann. It’s the perfect combination of valuable text by professor Paxton and mindblowing artwork by Katy Wiedemann.

I know we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but Anatomicum is one such book that’s so attractive that you cannot ignore it. The illustrations inside this book are exquisite. But it’s not just the beauty but also the extensive research and work that’s gone into creating this book that makes it a treasure. Anatomicum will guide you about the human body from head to toe. It will educate you about the delicate functioning of the brain, how muscles behave when we show emotions, etc. For anyone interested in learning and studying about the human body, Anatomicum is a must-have book. You can get the book here! 📖

5. Why We Sleep: The New Science of Sleep and Dreams by Matthew Walker 

Why We Sleep The New Science Of Sleep And Dreams By Matthew Walker

Why We Sleep has become one of the most popular books in the self-improvement category lately. People are struggling in their day-to-day lives because of sleep deprivation. Work stress and increased screen time are causing people to spend hours lying awake at night. And it’s not just lack of sleep but also poor sleep that’s causing us to stay fatigued throughout the day. The author Matthew Walker took four years to finish writing his book Why We Sleep, which disclosed that lack of proper sleep might cause some of the most dangerous diseases, such as dementia.

Why We Sleep is an excellent book for understanding the relationship between sleep with the Human Body. The best part about this book is that the author has also shared solutions for getting proper sleep in case you aren’t getting good sleep. You will find actionable steps to apply in your life to get good sleep that will heal your body and save you from falling prey to fatal diseases. This book is not only a good read for someone trying to learn about the human body but also to improve their overall health. You can get the book here! 📖

6. When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi

When Breath Becomes Air By Paul Kalanithi

What happens when a doctor becomes a patient? When Breath Becomes Air is the answer to this question. Author Paul Kalanithi wrote this memoir during his battle with lung cancer. He was a neurosurgeon, and at the age of thirty-six, he was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. He died while still working on this book. The book When Breath Becomes Air asks critical questions, such as what makes life worth living when you know you have a limited period left on this planet. What happens to your dreams and ambitions since you know your future is now restricted? This memoir answers it all. Paul Kalanithi goes deep into finding answers to complex questions.

He also became a father during his ailment, so he dives into the topic of parenthood as someone who is going through a terminal illness. This book is essential in understanding the relationship between a doctor and a patient, especially when a doctor becomes a patient. Often, patients find it hard to jewel with their doctors. Similarly, doctors must maintain boundaries with their patients. With his book, Paul Kalanithi managed to show this complex situation beautifully. When Breath Becomes Air is a masterpiece, everyone must read it to better understand their Body and mind. You can get the book here! 📖

7. The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk

The Body Keeps The Score Brain Mind And Body In The Healing Of Trauma By Bessel Van Der Kolk

We often distinguish between the mind and the Body as two distinct entities. However, several studies and research have repeatedly proved that our mind and Body are connected in ways we cannot even fathom. What happens to the mind, the Body remembers, and what happens to the Body, the mind remembers. Trauma is one such factor that shows you the direct relationship between the mind and Body. Trauma is also one of the most challenging truths of life.

Everyone goes through a trauma of some kind. We live in a world where we often compare people’s trauma. People find it difficult to find validation for their trauma. But the truth is that every trauma is valid, and there is no way of measuring its intensity. Different things affect different people differently. One cannot compare trauma or measure it. It’s a fact of life. Author Bessel van der Kolk spent decades working with trauma survivors. His expertise in understanding trauma is precious to humankind.

The Body Keeps the Score shows how trauma reshapes a person’s Body and brain. The best part about this book is that the author has presented ways a person can heal from trauma. There are many recovery methods, such as yoga, meditation, neurofeedback, etc. I especially loved the part about the activation of neuroplasticity of the brain. This book is a treasure for anyone who wants to learn about the relationship between the human body and the human mind. We hold much power and can choose to hurt and heal ourselves. You can get the book here! 📖

8. If Our Bodies Could Talk: A Guide to Operating and Maintaining a Human Body by James Hamblin

If Our Bodies Could Talk A Guide To Operating And Maintaining A Human Body By James Hamblin

There is so much health-related information on the internet these days. Everyone seems to be an expert, and there is a literal overload of tips, hacks, and myth-busting. It can get pretty intimidating and confusing for anyone who doesn’t know much about the functioning of the human Body. This is why James Hamblin’s book If Our Bodies Could Talk is a must-read book for every individual trying to learn about their Body. So many questions keep bothering us regularly; for example, what’s the ideal number of hours we should sleep? Should we be eating meat? How can we increase our immunity? Will using smartphones cause us cancer?

I would be lying if I said that I hadn’t spent hours surfing the internet to find answers to these questions. I always wished for a book that would bring me answers to questions that I may find silly but essential. If Our Bodies Could Talk by James Hamblin is a must-read book. It’s like your non-judgemental friend who addresses all your weird problems. Author James Hamblin interviewed doctors, scientists, and researchers, asking the questions we always wanted to ask someone. The language of the book is also simple and can be understood by anyone. I highly recommend this book as it will make your life easier by educating you about your Body. You can get the book here! 📖

The last couple of years of the pandemic has taught us to value our Body the most. If we are healthy in terms of our Body and mind, we can survive the worst. The best way to keep yourself educated and informed about the functioning of your body and mind is by reading expert books. I hope the above list helped you find the right books to read and learn about your body’s well-being.  

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