Our modern world is becoming more complex with each passing day. So much is going on, and there is literally so little time to register all of this overwhelming information. There was a time when the information was limited, and very few people had access to know what was happening in different parts of the world. It’s always a good idea to visit a therapist in order to get clarity. Anyone can reach out for therapy. I have struggled with my mental health a lot, and books have helped me so much through my depressive episodes. Here are some of the best books that helped me when I was down.
Good Vibes, Good Life (Review)

But now the world has completely transformed. Every single individual has the power to access all kinds of information. And I consciously chose the word ‘power’ because being informed is power. It may not feel like it is because it’s so easily available these days. Still, the moment you imagine your life without unlimited access to information, you will feel helplessness creeping in. Now, ‘information’ is neither bad nor good. It’s how you deal with the information that’s important.
You open the Instagram application on your mobile device, scroll down the feed, and suddenly come across your high school classmate’s picture. You take a closer look because you are curious to know how he/she is doing. And you find out that your classmate is now living in a serene offbeat village in some corner of the Basque country. Fascinating, eh? You dig deeper and scan his/her profile to find out more ‘information’.
It’s so easy to access information, but it’s so damn difficult to process the information. And this is why so many young and older people are having a tough time dealing with their lives. There is this constant flow of unsolicited free information and absolutely zero skills at handling and processing them. This is why reading Vex King’s book on the law of vibration and manifestations will come in handy. The level of vibration at which you are functioning determines the quality of your life.
So, if you vibe high, you attract better feelings and experiences. On the other hand, if you vibe low, then you end up attracting poor life experiences. More and more people are becoming aware of the concept of the law of attraction and vibration these days, and it’s a great thing because more people can improve the quality of their lives. Personally, I was going through a terrible phase in my life, and I remember sulking every single moment of the day. I knew something was wrong, and I needed to fix it.

Since I love books, and books have changed my life in so many ways, I turned to read self-help books. And honestly speaking, Vex King’s book changed my life in so many positive ways. After reading the book, I realized that I was vibing really very low, and that was the reason I was also attracting bad experiences. And one of the many reasons I was vibing so low was my incapability of processing information. I found myself sulking because I was feeling emotions such as jealousy, agony, sadness, and hurt.
When I dug deep, I understood that it was because of the information I was consuming online. Now, you cannot just stop consuming content online. Closing your door to the world is not the right way to deal with things. Instead, you have to grow your perspective. You have to start working on your messed-up belief system and improve the quality of your own life. And this book does exactly that for you. Reading this book is like getting therapy. It is filled with all the essential quotes. It helps you so much in getting your life together.
Vex King, through this book, made me realize that I am in full control of my life and that I can, in fact, choose the direction in which it flows.
I just need to have faith, practice all the habits that he talks about in his book, and I will start attracting great experiences in my life. But most importantly, he taught me how to process online information. He walked me through the entire process of dealing with jealousy, envy, anger, and sadness. I know so many people who wake up in the morning to their phones and end up destroying their day just because they came across some information that they were incapable of handling at that moment.
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We are a vulnerable bunch of humans trying to carve our way across the stretch of unexpected landmines (emotional outbursts). The only way to live a quality life is to be aware of your issues and work on them effectively. And the best way to do that is to read this supremely amazing book by Vex King. Extra brownie points to the author for writing this book in an extremely simple and easy fashion. He has managed to write the book in a very easy language.
His writing comes across as eloquent and easily understandable. He doesn’t beat around the bush and makes it a point that the reader understands everything easily. Overall, I feel it’s a great book for beginners, especially those people who need quick help and are not avid readers. There are numerous books on the topic of the law of attraction and vibration, but most of them are not that easy to understand for the masses. I feel “Good Vibes, Good Life: How Self-Love Is the Key to Unlocking Your Greatness” is one of the best books in this particular genre.
Moreover, it’s very easy for the young crowd to relate to the author and his words because Vex King himself is a young chap who belongs to our generation and understands our problems. So if there is one book that has a great chance at changing your life for good, it has to be Vex King’s book “Good Vibes, Good Life.” You don’t even have to think twice before ordering this book. Just get the book and thank me later! You are about to change your life. You can get the book here! 📖
Good Vibes, Good Life

Our modern world is becoming more complex with each passing day. So much is going on, and there is literally so little time to register all of this overwhelming information. There was a time when the information was limited, and very few people had access to know what was happening in different parts of the world. It’s always a good idea to visit a therapist in order to get clarity. Anyone can reach out for therapy. I have struggled with my mental health a lot, and books have helped me so much through my depressive episodes. Here are some of the best books that helped me when I was down.
URL: https://bookwritten.com/good-vibes-good-life-by-vex-king-review/1019/
Author: Vex King