Dark Matter – The Best Science Fiction Book for Beginners!

Last updated on June 1, 2023
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  • When it comes to science fiction, picking the right book can be tricky. Science fiction as a genre requires a reader to be focused and invested. Additionally, scientific concepts can make it even more difficult if you aren’t familiar with them. So, if you are a beginner, choosing a complex book may end up pushing you away from this genre. But I have found the perfect book for you to start reading science fiction right away.

    Dark Matter (Review)

    Dark Matter By Blake Crouch Review Rating Author Summary

    I was introduced to the book Dark Matter by Blake Crouch through a post on the Facebook community BookWritten. It was a recommendation post, and I saw other group members talk about the book highly. The hype around the book is pretty crazy. And usually, I stay put when it comes to hyped books. I don’t like giving into hypes, especially with books, but I just had to get my hands on this book. So, I got it, and the moment I opened it and read the first sentence, I knew my to-do list for the day had to wait. So, reading Dark Matter became my top priority. I finished the book in one sitting, and who doesn’t loves a page-turner, right? Trust me; this book is worth every bit of the hype.

    The book follows the story of Jason Desser, who lives an ordinary life. He is a college professor and is a total family person. He loves his wife, Daniella, and their son Charlie. Their life is sorted, and he is primarily happy. However, one day while he is on his way to get ice cream, he gets abducted. When he wakes up, he finds himself in a different version of Chicago where he is not married, doesn’t have a child, and is a celebrated genius. That’s when the story begins to become crazy.

    The best part about the book is that it’s incredibly fast-paced. Reading this book is almost an effortless activity. It doesn’t feel like you are reading. It feels like a movie, where the story sucks you in completely. And Blake Crouch’s writing style is ideal for beginners. It’s straightforward. No beating around the bush. He gets to the point when it’s necessary and invests enough time to make the story as detailed as possible.

    "The best part about the book is that it's incredibly fast-paced. Reading this book is almost an effortless activity." Share on X

    I also loved the way Blake Crouch made the love between Jason and Daniella palpable. The way Jason feels for his wife, it’s not just romantic but also incredibly endearing. You can feel how much he cares for her. Throughout the book, you will find yourself rooting for them. And it was essential for the author to do this because if we don’t care about their relationship and aren’t invested enough in the characters, the book wouldn’t be as impactful.

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    I also loved how the book raised essential questions about a person’s priorities between love and his ambitions. It establishes some serious thoughts regarding living a balanced and happy life. As the book paced toward the end, it felt like my mind would explode. It was a fantastic experience. So much was happening, one event after the other, but the author made it a smooth read. Also, if you are concerned about understanding the scientific concepts introduced in the Book, don’t worry at all. The book doesn’t make you feel like you are reading a science textbook. Everything is explained in simple words. The book doesn’t put much emphasis on explaining to you the science behind things. However, that doesn’t steal away the awesomeness. There are explanations as and when required.

    And finally, the ending of the book is fantastic. It couldn’t be more impressive. I was concerned if the climax would be good enough because if the conclusion didn’t make sense, then the whole experience would come to dust as it’s a thriller. And a good thriller is one with a mind-blowing climax. Honestly, I was borderline stressed as I was nearing the end. The last few pages were so stressful, and it felt like my brain would give up any moment from now. But I could feel the adrenaline! It was crazy and so worth it. So, if you are looking for a book that will blow your mind, then this is the one for you. You can get the book here! 📖

    Dark Matter
    Dark Matter by Blake Crouch Review Rating Author Summary

    When it comes to science fiction, picking the right book can be tricky. Science fiction as a genre requires a reader to be focused and invested. Additionally, scientific concepts can make it even more difficult if you aren't familiar with them. So, if you are a beginner, choosing a complex book may end up pushing you away from this genre. But I have found the perfect book for you to start reading science fiction right away.

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    URL: https://bookwritten.com/dark-matter-by-blake-crouch-review/4767/

    Author: Blake Crouch

    Editor's Rating:

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    Last updated on June 1, 2023

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