“Dear Mrs Bird” is a Delightful Page-Turner for Bored Souls!

Dear Mrs Bird, My husband tells me I’m unsympathetic and cold.”

“Dear Mrs Bird, I am going to marry my fiancé when he comes home on leave from the Army but… I feel I’m rather ignorant about Married life…”

Mrs. Henrietta Bird seems like the perfect Agony-aunt – A no-nonsense woman, she’s smart and sensitive. Always ready to lend an ear, she’s wise and thoughtful and just every woman’s closest confidante’ – All of this, Except that she is Not! But then, who’s doling out the perfect advice for this 1940 Women friendly magazine that has women across London writing and pouring their hearts out to Mrs. Bird, pining for her advice?

Dear Mrs Bird (Review)

Dear Mrs Bird By A. J. Pearce Review

Meet Emmy – an intelligent, sensitive and ambitious 24 years old who aspires to give back to her country in the hope of being a fearless War correspondent. Emmy applies to The London Evening chronicle as a junior typist in the hope to further her dreams of being a War correspondent, but somehow ends up in a far less glamorous Woman’s Friend magazine!

In a war-torn London in early 1940 – when every household is grappling with their husbands, fathers & sons being away at war combatting the Nazis and The Luftwaffe – every woman left behind is dealing with life as best as she can. ‘Women who’s worlds had been turned upside down by the war, who missed their husbands, or got lonely and fell in love with the wrong man. Or who was just young and naïve and had their heads turned in a trying time. Problems that people had always had, only now with everything so topsy-turvy, they were expected to just battle on.’ In these tough times, the Woman’s Friend magazine aimed to help provide solace and advice to all its anxious writers.

Unfortunately for these desperate women waiting for an answer, acting Editress Ms. Henrietta Bird believes that the letters containing any form of ‘unpleasantness,’ were definitely not from the good sorts and not worth a read, let alone answer. This is when Emmy decides she must help and do her bit like a ray of hope for these women in need.

An honest account of problems that are endured by a country at war – Dear Mrs Bird is a tale of love, friendship, courage and so much more in those trying times. With a coup d’Å“il of war-time and the uncertainties that surround it, this book teaches us to stand up and have the courage to follow our dreams… And that each of us has the power to affect change in our own small way. I particularly took a fond liking to the protagonists’ character – Emmy is strong, compassionate, and has her head in the right place. She’s brave & driven and determined to do what she can to help her country. As A.J. Pierce puts it – “Do what you can, as well as you can.”

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Throughout the book, Dear Mrs Bird keeps you gripped, makes you laugh out loud, wells up your heart, and is like a breath of fresh air in today’s times – the simplicity in Pearce’s writing style is beautiful. It is the most delightful and heartwarming read I’ve done in a long, long time. I am in complete agreement with Jill Mansell when she says – ‘I fell in love with Dear Mrs Bird on page one and completely adored every single word.’ This book can be your very own Woman’s Friend! So, Happy Reading! You can get the book here! 📖

Dear Mrs Bird
Dear Mrs Bird by A. J. Pearce Review

"Dear Mrs Bird, My husband tells me I’m unsympathetic and cold."

URL: https://bookwritten.com/dear-mrs-bird-by-a-j-pearce-review/107/

Author: A. J. Pearce

Editor's Rating:

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