Greta Thunberg and Malala Yousafzai are two of the most famous and among the youngest people in the world to speak up against the wrongs around us. While a huge chunk of masses troll and hate on them, they do raise some very important questions. I have always adored Thunberg for the strength and courage with which she keeps fighting for a cause no matter what people have to say. A few months back, a group of people even made an effigy on the young climate change activist and tied a noose around its neck.
You have to be at a different level of sickness to pull such disgusting stunts just to ridicule a young voice talking sense that most of the elderly leaders of the world dont even think about. There is a lot we can learn from this teenage schoolgirl who went on a strike to save our planet. She doesn’t deserve to miss classroom education. She deserves to be on the school premises while the people in power should be on the streets fighting together to protect the planet.
No One is Too Small to Make a Difference (Review)

“No One is Too Small to Make a Difference”Β is a collection of Thunberg’s speeches on climate change, global warming, and how people with power don’t seem to care much about the Earth dying. The young girl demands action to be taken right now. The time to wait and contemplate has gone. Now is the time to take action and save whatever we have left off of our Mother Earth. Change has to start today and now.
This Swedish girl with Asperger’s Syndrome doesn’t shy away from looking at trolls right in the eye and coming up with befitting replies. She’s no less than inspiration, and the book will make you feel so proud of this young genius. You need to read the book to know how powerful her words are and how you must alwaysΒ “stand for what you believe in. Even if you are standing alone.”Β Her speeches, along with her actions, have sparked a global movement.Β
"I want you to act as if your house is on fire. Because it is." – @GretaThunberg Share on XPeople from all around the world are hitting the streets with placards and slogans to shut down the industries excreting toxic fumes in water bodies and the air, no strict laws against harming nature, and so on. This worldwide stir has forced governments into listening to what this young voice has to stay. This book has all the speeches that have created history globally, from the UN to Europe and, of course, the mass protests. The speeches will give you a plethora of reasons why now is the time to wake up and pull up our socks to help the wounded Earth.
Even if you think you are alone in this and what difference can you make, read the title again: NO ONE IS TOO SMALL TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Greta Thunberg was just fifteen years old or even less when she stopped going to her school and instead went on a strike to save the living planet. If she can, why can’t we? We all have power and voice; we just need to channelize it in the right direction and see how changes unfold! This book would present you, Thunberg, in her very own words and inspire you to join her in her movement. This tiny prodigy was even nominated for the Nobel Prize, how cool is that!

She rightfully rebukes elders who keep saying they owe hope to the younger generation. No, it’s not the hope that we need. It’s not hopeful people that Thunberg is looking for. She states how she wants them to panic and not just hope. She wants the people at power to feel the fear that she feels every day – the fear of destroying the only planet that has life, the only planet that mankind has ever called their home. She wants the governments to fear and panic, and then she wants them to take serious steps in dealing with the grave issue.
They want them to act the way they are supposed to act in the time of crises. “I want you to act as if your house is on fire. Because it is.” In her speeches, she keeps stressing the fact that climate change is “the biggest crisis that humanity ever faced,” and it is not something that you can just ‘like’ on Facebook. It needs only and the only action. She states that these “responsible people” are failing all the youngsters of the world and are betraying us.Β
Fortunately, hundreds of thousands of young voices now understand this betrayal and are raising their voices. Every speech of hers would force you to think hard and realize how it’s not her who is wasting her “valuable lesson time” by not going to school, it’s the world leaders who are wasting “decades through inaction and denial.” This little book is enough to jolt you out of your comfortable bubble and introspect on what you do, what the people at power do, and how you can change things for the better. You can get the book here! π
No One is Too Small to Make a Difference

Greta Thunberg and Malala Yousafzai are two of the most famous and among the youngest people in the world to speak up against the wrongs around us. While a huge chunk of masses troll and hate on them, they do raise some very important questions. I have always adored Thunberg for the strength and courage with which she keeps fighting for a cause no matter what people have to say. A few months back, a group of people even made an effigy on the young climate change activist and tied a noose around its neck.
Author: Greta Thunberg