“Elsewhere” is Every Solo Traveller’s Dream! ✈️

When an Irish friend unexpectedly gifted me the only proof-copy (that she brought with her from Ireland) of the yet-to-be-published book ‘Elsewhere’ by Rosita Boland, I wondered what this book would hold for me… Did it treasure a message for me to unriddle in the pages it held? Or was it just going to be a travelogue with too many facts to hold my attention? I’ve always loved to travel, but traveling to distant places alone is something I’ve always feared and yet eternally apotheosized.

Elsewhere (Review)

Elsewhere (2019) by Rosita Boland [Review]

⭐ RELATED READING: Paulo Coelho – A Traveler in the Shoes of a Storyteller!

Rosita’s story of ‘One woman, One rucksack and One lifetime of travel’ has given me both – a Dream and maybe the fortitude to live that dream someday…to tread my own path, to maybe embark on a journey of my own someday – an idea I had brushed under the carpet for the lack of dauntlessness. From traversing the treacherous mountain trails in Pakistan all by herself to her life-threatening expedition in Antarctica – each country visited has a story to tell – A story of its people, culture, and what that land has to offer.

I particularly loved how all accounts of her travel begin with beautiful and yet lesser-known and unfamiliar words – words that describe feelings we’ve all felt at some point in life but failed to be able to articulate… and through the end of each story, we find the true essence of that word – a simple & absolutely novel way of telling your tale. ‘Elsewhere’ also takes you through the author’s journey at various points in her personal life – from finding true love to dealing with immense personal loss – a reminder that we are not alone in our journeys. To sum it up – The book is a heart-warming, soul-stirring account of Fernweh- an ache for travel to distant places.

Beautifully blended with narratives of different kinds of people she meets along her way and snippets from life at its best and worst – this book makes you want to get to know her better, to reach out to her and talk to her about all her amazing and inspiring travel experiences. Fascinating, Enthralling, and a complete Delight – If you’re a Wanderlust and are looking for a delightful tea-time read, this is the book you should check out. So… Happy Wandering! You can get the book here! 📖

Elsewhere 2019 by Rosita Boland Review

When an Irish friend unexpectedly gifted me the only proof-copy (that she brought with her from Ireland) of the yet-to-be-published book 'Elsewhere' by Rosita Boland, I wondered what this book would hold for me… Did it treasure a message for me to unriddle in the pages it held? Or was it just going to be a travelogue with too many facts to hold my attention? I’ve always loved to travel, but traveling to distant places alone is something I’ve always feared and yet eternally apotheosized.

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URL: https://bookwritten.com/elsewhere-by-rosita-boland-review/103/

Author: Rosita Boland

Editor's Rating:

2 thoughts on ““Elsewhere” is Every Solo Traveller’s Dream! ✈️”

  1. Always knew of you writing these reviews but never really got down to reading one of them..until now! I couldnt stop at one..read almost all.. you’ve written so beautifully and effortlessly 😍😍 Makes me want to read alll the books now! You’re truly gifted – should write more often..Mummy would be soooo happy to read these 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

  2. Well, I love tea time read and after reading your review I wouldn’t mind giving this a read. Thanks for thre review. Keep it going.


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